When was the last time you thanked your employees?
When was the last time you showed appreciation and gratitude for the effort and energy that your teams put in to make every day successful?

At Midwest Laboratories, we take time to host an Employee Appreciation event at the end of each year and we are happy to have just wrapped up our second event. On February 3rd 2023 we hosted 354 employees and their guests to recognize the many years of service held by our employees and the outstanding contributions they’ve each made to our success in the last year. Our Mission is to drive a positive impact on the lives of our employees, clients, and communities and as we look to begin another year it’s important that we reflect on the successes of the past and recognize the hard work and dedication that makes it all happen.

When Midwest Labs first opened its doors, we were a small operation focused on agronomic testing for soil samples. We had just four (4) employees and were handwriting reports on carbon paper. Today, we operate a 14 – building campus, with a new one being built in Papillion, Nebraska, and have the pleasure of employing over 260 team-members.
We get to provide third-party analytical testing service to the agriculture industry but also six others. They include; the Feed and Pet Food, Food and ingredient, Environmental, Nutrient Management, and Fuel Industries. When we first began, receiving 5,000 soil samples a month was a large volume. Today we are able to handle a volume of over 5 million samples annually. It takes a village and incredible employees to make this operation a success every day, so to each one of you we say "Thank you".

A special thank you to the twenty-seven (27) employees that hit their 5 – year milestone, the eight (8) employees that reached their 10-year milestone. The six (6) employees that reached their 15-year milestone. The five (5) employees that reached their 20-year milestone, the three (3) employees that hit their 25 year milestone, and two employees that have reached their 30 year milestone with Midwest Laboratories.

The amount of growth, industry knowledge, and leadership within this group is immeasurable and we remain steadfast in our vision because of each of you. As our CEO Brent Pohlman says "it’s our people"- it’s always the people that drive our mission and keep us propelling forward. Our Senior, Technical Director Stacey Gutchewsky said it best that one of her favorite quotes aligns with why she enjoys working for Midwest Labs “if you are the smartest person in a room, it’s time to get a new room” we each strive to be continually learning.

At Midwest Labs we’re surrounded by individuals who drive our business forward through innovation, advanced technology, and by providing dynamic service. We had over 108 employees nominated by their coworkers for special recognition this year. Those awards varied from mentor of the year, to rising star, and the employee with a “passion for science”. We know not everyone can win an award but we hope that this time together serves as a reminder to our teams that we see you and we thank you.

For a short recap of our employee annual awards and recognition check out this video!
Interested in working at Midwest Laboratories, check out our available positions on Midwestlabs.com/about-us/careers