Plant Tissue Sampling Steps Part 2

Plant tissue sampling is a valuable crop management tool. Routine soil testing shows levels of nutrient reserves in the soil, which is necessary for a proper soil fertility program. Ensuring that the soil is properly stocked with nutrients is a cost-effective way to produce maximum yields. But fall or spring soil tests cannot show how nutrients are available inside the plant during the season.

Even when nutrient levels are corrected with fertilizer, crops still have to take up required nutrients in the proper amounts for an effective fertility program. Several factors can negatively affect crop nutrient uptake even if the soil is properly fertilized. When deficiencies are visible, there is often an opportunity to use corrective measures to still produce a high yielding crop.

When collecting samples, make note of where on the plant the symptoms appear. Collect samples from good and bad areas and collect leaves from the same parts of the plant. This will give you the most accurate representation of the issue. Midwest Lab’s Shared Insights Program can help you with this process.

Check out our video below where Joe Sisco, our agronomic field representative, will demonstrate how to take proper plant tissue samples during the second week of the program.

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more educational content and tutorials! For any questions, call us today at 402-334-7770! For more information on the program, visit our Shared Insights page today.